Is it even worth it?

This has been quite an exhausting week for me. I have been pushing my body, mind and creativity to the very end.

When it comes to school and work, I suffer from severe performance anxiety. In situations where I have the sole responsibility for an assignment or project where the result will reflect directly on me and me only, I always bury myself in (mostly) unnecessary work. The tiniest detail could grow to become the largest worry of my life if I do not get that detail in order.
I can twist, turn and revolve around something for days before I am completely satisfied with the result. This can be a good thing in some situations but when it leads to your heart pounding, the emotion of stress elevating in your body and sleepless nights, then you should just chill the f**k out.

Nothing is as important as your health! No presentation, no sales goal, no project, no essay. Your well being always comes first and the other things revolving that will always work out somehow. I already know this but I continuously fail to implement it in my life. So I am writing it down for me to remember and for you to get a reminder.

Now, let's stop and take three deep breaths together and then continue with our Saturdays.

Preferably close your eyes and then




Have a good one guys!

P.s. You are awesome D.s.


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